Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bikin Panas je.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Ahaa, bukan bikin panas yang Melodi ye. Ni bikin panas baik punye cerita. Realiti bukan fantasi. HAHA. Dua tiga empat lima hari lepas aku agak busy, tahu tahu jelah sebab apa. Okay, tak tahu? Dan taknak tahu? Takpe takpe aku kasitau jugak. Aku tengah duk asyik membereskan hal hal untuk masuk kolej je, takde mende yang spesel sangat pun kan. *peace. :)

So untuk dijadikan cerita dua hari lepas aku keluar men'settle'kan urusan yuran pendaftaran. Encik kolej mara banting suruh buat bank draf, yang mana memang aku taktau lansung macam mana nak buat. *korang tahu ker? heheLepas tu aku tanya la mekya.

"Ni daa, awak tahu dok pejabat lembaga hasil dekat chukai utama orh? rasenya kena buat dekat situ kot."

Lebih kurang macam gitu la ayat dia. Haha. Aku pun try la pi sana.

aku. akak dekat pejabat lembaga hasil.

emm, kak. kalau nak buat bank draf kat sini ke? Gini dik, kite dok buat bank draf kat sini. kena buat dekat bank. Oooo.

Bergerak ke Cimb Bank. Jalan kaki. Melintas jalan besar. Jalan sikit lagi. Sampai. Masuk masuk je cimb bank, aku tanya la pakcik berkopiah dekat kaunter pertanyaan tu pasal nak buat bank draf ni. Dia kasi aku borang, suruh aku isi.

"Pakcik!! Ape ni?? saya tak pahammm la. Tolong lahhh. Adoiii." Aku complain. Tapi dalam hati jelah.

Hehehe. Serius tak paham weh. Sakit hati la jugak. Tapi aku pun isi jelah borang tu dengan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan yang aku ada. Isi punya isi aku pun konpius. Last last jumpa balik pakcik berkopiah tu. Aku tunjuk la dekat dia borang yang aku isi tu. Dia pun kate ok je lepas tu suruh aku ambik nombor giliran.

Tett. 1020. Kaunter 2. Okaih, giliran aku.

aku. pegawai dekat kaunter 2.

Awak nok buat mende ni? Bank draf. Untuk mende? Bayor yuran Mara, dia suruh buat bank draf. Aku pun hulur la surat Mara. Ni salah isi ni, sepatutnya pemohon nama awak bla bla bla.  Ooo, kena isi semula ah. tapi maklumat lain betul doh kan? Ke ada kena isi mende lain lagi? Sape yang suruh isi ni? Pegawai yang dekat kaunter depan tu.   Kite sebenarnya dok buat bank draf. Bank check je. Tapi bank lain dok tahu la. Tapi Mara nok bank draf je. Saye dok tahu la tu, try bank lain la.

Alahai, aku pun agak agak bengang jugak sebenarnya time tu. *Sakit jiwa, sakit hati, sakit mata, macam macam sakit la. Agak agak time aku nak blah dari bank tu, ayah aku terjumpa kawan dia. Pekerja dekat bank cimb tu jugak la. Dia tanya la. Panjang lebar jugak diorang borak. Aku sengih je, malas nak menyampuk. Hehehe. *bajetbaiklakatekan.

Kawan kepada ayah aku tu pun hairan dengan jawapan pegawai dekat kaunter 2 tu. Dia bawak aku punye borang masuk office. 5 minit lepas tu dia keluar.

"Boleh je buat kat sini. Bank check dengan bank draf sama je. sekarang ni dok guna doh bank draf. Awak isi borang baru eh."

 Haaaa, tu dia. Mana pakcik berkopiah dengan pegawai dekat kauter 2 tu? Dapat dek aku memang kena diorang. HAHAHA, acah je. Haish, panas juge la aku time tu. Aku pun dengar gumbira isi semula borang yang sama. 3 borang pulak tu. Ya Allah. Sabor jelah.

Tengah tengah duk isi borang tu ada la 2 orang minah mai sebelah aku. Intai punya intai rupa-rupanya si kembar Amalia dengan Amalina dan juge Faizrul. HAHAHA. Dan bagi menambah elemen kejutan, si kembar tu pun sama tempat dengan aku. KMB. Kos perubatan. Adooyai. Aku jugak puak aku. HUAHUAHUA. *gelaksakan.

Ouh ouh ouh. Lupa daaaa. Ada sorang lagi pegawai bank tu yang baik hati sangattt tolong aku. Dia check borang aku,ada la baiki sikit sikit, lepas tu dia tolong ambik nombor giliran. Borak borak sikit sementara tunggu giliran aku buat kali kedua. Aku memang takmoh kasitau kat sini tapi credits untuk pakcik tu la. HAHAHA. Beliau adalah bapak kepada hafiz a.k.a Apih Omar. Bangge ah tu Apih orh. Terimakasihbanyakbanyak pakcik Omar yep. *peace peace.

 Dan itu sahaja ceritanya. The End. HAHA. Okaih. Till next post. 

See ya.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

6 hari.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What day is today? Today is Saturday, teacher. Wahhh, so good. Hahaha *teringat zaman jadi cikgu dulu. Eh eh eh. Apaa? Saturday? Sabtu? oooh tidak. Katakan tidak mungkin pada sabtu. mimpi mimpi. Jumaat depan aku kena berangkat ke Kolumpo dah, maknenye aku ada masa 6 hari je lagi dekat Kemaman tercinta ni. Halaaa, takmau takmau la. Haha. Ok *gedik duh.

Sebetulnya memang la daftar kat KMB, tempat keramat tu 28hb Jun ni which is hari Selasa. Tapi aku dikasitau untuk pegi awal, sebab nak singgah rumah kakak aku. Lepak lepak kat sana dulu. Lepas tu plan nak shopping barang barang kat sana terus. Senang la sikit. Hahaha.

Dan. Dalam masa tolak tambah seminggu yang tinggal ni memang banyak la benda yang aku kena buat. Haish, sempat ke haa? InsyaAllah, insyaAllah. Siapa siapa yang baik hati nak tolong, sila sila lah. heehe.

Lepas tu kan, ada satu lagi berita sedih *sobsobsob. Nak pi kl jumaat depan tu, aku pegi dengan abah aku je, naik bas pulak tu. *jap, bila masuk aku panggil bapak aku abah haa? haaahaa. Tak kesah la. Sedih kan? Tak eh. Takpe, satu lagi cerita sedih. Lepas tu masa nak daftar kat KMB tu kan, mak dengan ayah aku tak ikut pun. Kakak aku je yang hantar. Sedih woo. hahaha *konon jelah. Heehehe, aku steady je sebenarnye. Cool cool je. Setakat hantar dalam negara ni, okay je kalau diorang takde pun. Bukan ape, aku takmoh la susahkan mak ayah aku dalam keadaan diorang yang tak sihat nu haa. *amacam, anak yang mithali kan kan? kakakakah. *pelempang untuk aku.

Perasaan? Hmmm. setakat ni rasa terkawal je lagi. takde emo emo sangat lah. Cess, cakap besor. HAHAHA.   Saje je nak sedapkan hati, chill chill je dulu, mau kepoh buat hape? heeehehe, peace.
Dan dan dan. Untuk sedapkan lagi hati aku, sebenarnye KMB tu dekat dengan tempat kerja abang aku. Kalau dari rumah kaklong aku pulak dalam setengah jam je. Wahh, memang takde kesulitan lansung la camgitu yek. MUAHAHA. *evillaugh.

Orait orait. Cukuplah untuk post ni. Aku simpan cerita untuk 6 hari lagi pulak. Heehehee.

peace. :)

Maharaja Lawak minggu doblas (12)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Haaaa, see the title kan? Sudah terang lagi bersuluh la terbukti aku nak story pasal maharaja lawak. Okay okay, jangan menyampah dulu. Belom baca belom tahu. Hahahaha. peace.

Di sini aku nak tegaskan bahawa maharajala lawak minggu ke doblas wajib ditengok sebab lawak lawak dorang semuanye gred A. *halaamak, macam telur la pulak. hehe. Tapi serius weh, ML semalam best. Nak nak lagi part +@#%!*#@. hahaha. tutttt. censored ah, malu aku nak kasitau, kot kot ade yang salah paham. heeehehe. sorry la, tengok la sendiri ye baru boleh tahu part mana yang tak-dapat-dikasitahu tu. 

Ouhh, upload video. Kene jugak ker? Tak pe ah. Isi mase lapang. Hambik ko. hahhaaha


 aku suka yang ni. comel gila nabil. haha

Ahaaaa, best best kan? malangnye next week final dah. Ouh, finalis finalis nye, of course la Jozan, Sepah, Nabil dan Jambu. *act, aku tak berape puashati sebab jambu masuk final. hehe, jangan marah ye siapa siapa yang sokong jambu tu.  Tapi nasib baik la aku sempat lagi tengok live, walaupun dalam tv. Hahahaha.

Okaih, gotta go.
p/s: undi jozan banyak banyak, biar dorang menang. hahaha, aku sendiri pun tak undi, suka suka je suruh orang vote. heehehe.

Salam. peace.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One shot post.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Ayat biasa lepas lama tak update blog. Rindunye nak update blog. Ahah, ada siapa siapa kesah ke? Confirm takde kan. Hahahak.*kesianuntukaku

So, selepas merefreshkan balik kepala otak aku yang bergeliga ni, aku berjaya ingat balik beberape aktiviti yang jadi sepanjang aku bercuti daripada update blog ni. Fyi, aku senantiasa berada di talian *online 24/7 bak kata omputih. Hahaha, tapi aku pun pelik la sebab time nak bukak link blog je rase malas tersangat. So, I ended up by not updating this nicee yet interesting blog. Sounds annonying is it? Heeeehe.

Birthday wishes.

Happy Belated Bithday to those awesome peoples.

01/06/2011 Kak Nor. 
06/06/2011 Kak Long.
11/06/2011 Abang Pik. 

aghh, I should have wrote a special post, wishing them, right? Maybe another year, insyaAllah. hehe.


Last week, aku pergi hantar adik aku balik asrama. Sah sahlah aku temankan ayah aku, kalau aku yang hantar memang tak sampai sampai ah asrama dia tu. Jalan kaki kot, haha. Saje je lah buat baik sikit kan, kali terakhir hantar dia balik asrama la konon. Serius aku admit, terase mood sedih la jugak. *Oh, tidak. Jangan la minah tu bace part ni, kang terperasan pulak die.


 Lately ramai insan insan yang suka buat aku jealous. Please people. Hahaha. Dont get misunderstood okay, this jealous is the positive one ya. *ade ke? lantak la. hehehe. Aku punye jealous siap buat status dekat fb lagi ni, waahh hebat ko. *perasan.

tuu dia. yang dalam box tu. habis dramatic status dah tu.

Aku malas la nak elaborate lebih lebih pasal ni. Senang cerita aku confess jelah kat sini. Ahahaha. Miss Sara texted aku, dia kata tengah tengok KL Gangster. Few minutes later, she texted me again. She fell in love with a guy. I don't care who that lucky guy is, as long as he is not mine. And and and, a suprising answer I got. He is mine. I was like  

" Noooo, it can't be him. Pls, find someone else. Ohhh Sara, how could you ."

Curious about that guy kan kan? Beliau adalah jeng jeng jeng Zizan Razak, for sure. Ahaha, iye iye je aku bagitaw dia aku punye kan, mau kena saman ka? Jangan jangan, kontrobesi tu. Hahaha.

Conclusion, aku jealous dengan mereka mereka yang sudah tonton cerita KL Gangster tu lah. Siap puji zizan pulak tu, bertambah tambah jealous aku. Hish. *geramgeram.

Maharaja Lawak.

Ouh, last week punye show memang gempak. Great jokes evah, haha. Nano nano nano. Terkinja kinja aku nak pi tengok diorang dekat kuantan. Kot kot lah ade peluang jumpa face to face, hahaha. *konon je lah. Last last depan tv jugak tempat aku malam tu. VIP seat, ngeheee. xp


Btw, Sepah and Nabil also did their good jobs that night but since I am big fan of Jozan so aku upload lawak diorang jelah. Heehe, kalau nak tengok lagi mintak dengan encik Youtube eh.*peace

Apa apa pun two thumbs up for Jozan. Yeah.*likelikelike.

see ya.

What now? Stalker?


Hahahaha. Seriously, the title is not about me. So, to whom it refers to? Erm, nobody maybe. Shut up. Obviously it's you. What now? Am I caught red-handed? Pleasee noo. Hell yeah.

Hahahaha, silakan angkat kening tanda tak faham. Well, I have no intention to make it clear. So, just take that as a great joke of the day. Ngeheeehe. Well, sorry. :)

Ouh, again. I don't do that stalk-thingy okayyy. Got it?

Peace. :)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 Beautiful Aspects of a Muslimah

1. Her Obedience to the Creator: A practising Muslim man loves to have a practising Muslim wife; who knows that the life of this world is nothing but a test from her Lord; giving her an opportunity to come closer and closer to Allah, doing more and more good deeds to please Him, restricting herself from the desires of her inner self that go against the will of her Creator.

But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts. Verily, Paradise will be his abode. (Surah An- Naaziyaat: 40-41)

2. Her Haya (Modesty/Shyness): Haya is one of the most significant factors of a woman’s personality. Haya according to a believer’s nature refers to a bad and uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment, caused by one’s fear of being exposed or censured for some unworthy or indecent conduct.[1]

Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: “Haya comes from Eman; Eman leads to Paradise. Obscenity comes from antipathy; and antipathy leads to the fire.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

A Muslim woman feels shy to do anything that would displease her Lord in any aspect. She has haya in her talk, she has haya in her gaze, she has haya in her clothing, she has haya in her walk. Her haya in her talk is that she is not soft in her speech but speaks honorably. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner” (Surah Al-Ahzaab:32)

Her haya in her gaze is that she does not look at what Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has prohibited for her to look. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning):

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)… (Verse continues) (Surah An-Nur: 31)

Her haya in her clothing is that she does not reveal to others what Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has forbidden for her to reveal. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning):

…And not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms,) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islâm), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the feminine sex.. (Verse Continues) (Surah An-Nur: 31)

Her haya in her walk is that she walks modestly without attracting others attention towards herself. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): .

..And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allâh to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful. (Surah An-Nur: 31)

Abu Usayd al-Ansari narrated that he heard Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu alaihiwasallam say to the women on his way out of the mosque when he saw men and women mixing together on their way home: ‘Give way (i.e., walk to the sides) as it is not appropriate for you to walk in the middle of the road.’ Thereafter, women would walk so close to the wall that their dresses would get caught on it.
(Narrated by Abu Dawood in “Kitab al-Adab min Sunanihi, Chapter: Mashyu an-Nisa Ma’ ar-Rijal fi at-Tariq)

A woman who has the knowledge of Allah’s commandment to preserve her modesty, submitting herself to the will of her creator, even after having the desire to be praised for her beauty, is without doubt beloved to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and as well as to all good believing men.

3. Her Beauty: Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala made women beautiful in the sight of men. It’s just that some human beings are more attracted towards some than others. Aishah RadhiyAllahu anha said: “I heard the Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam saying: ‘Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Al-Qurtubi said: “Although they are all souls, they differ in different ways, so a person will feel an affinity with souls of one kind, and will get along with them because of the special quality that they have in common. So we notice that people of all types will get along with those with whom they share an affinity, and will keep away from those who are of other types. [This is like the old saying goes,
 “Birds of a feather flock together”] For a believing man, a Muslim woman’s beauty is not just how her nose looks or how big her eyes are, but her modesty, purity of heart, and innocence make her look beautiful as well. Also Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala makes people whom He loves, pleasing to others.

“When Allah loves someone he calls to Jibreel Alaihissalaam saying, ‘O Jibreel, I love such and such a person, so love him.’ Then Jibreel will call to the (angels) of the heavens, ‘Allah loves such and such a person so love him.’ And the angels will love [that person]. And then Allah will place the pleasure in the hearts of the people towards this person.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

4. Her Intellect/playfulness: Intellect and playfulness are two qualities of women highly liked by men. Every man likes to have an intelligent wife who can advise and support him in day to day matters. Khadija bint Khuwaylid RadhiyAllahu anha was one of the most beloved wives of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). She supported Allah’s messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at the very beginning of his Prophethood when Jibreel alaihissalaam brought the first revelation to him. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) always admired her and remembered her even long after her death. A playful wife is a joy and pleasure to a man’s heart. Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam recommended Jabir bin ‘Abdullah to marry a virgin so that the two could play with each other and amuse each other. Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: “My father died and left seven or nine girls and I married a matron.

Allah’s Apostle said to me, “O Jabir! Have you married?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “A virgin or a matron?” I replied, “A matron.” he said, “Why not a virgin, so that you might play with her and she with you, and you might amuse her and she amuse you.” (Hadith continued) (Sahih Al- Bukhari)

5. Her Truthfulness: Being truthful and honest is an essential quality of a believer. ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood RadhiyAllahu anh said: The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: “I urge you to be truthful, for truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man will continue to be truthful and seek to speak the truth until he is recorded with Allah as speaker of truth (Siddeeq). And beware of lying, for lying leads to immorality and immorality leads to Hell; a man will continue to tell lies until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

A person who is known to lie repeatedly loses his trust. And if that happens in case of a marital relationship the whole relationship falls apart. A woman who is known to be a “Siddeeqah” certainly has a higher status in a Muslim man’s heart.

6. Her Obedience: Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala made man protector and maintainer of the woman and enjoined upon her to obey him in all the matters that do not go against Quran and Sunnah. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means” (Surah An-Nisa’: 34)

The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said, “The best women is she who when you look at her, she pleases you, when you command her she obeys you, and when you are absent, she protects her honor and your property.” (At-Tabarani, Ibn Majah)

7. Her Patience: Patience is a characteristic that can never be praised enough. A woman who remains patient at the times of hardship and relies on the help and mercy of Allah is without a doubt a beloved servant of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And Allah loves As-Saabiroon (the patient)” (Surah Aal Imran: 146)

8. Her Cooking: Delicious food is without a doubt weakness of men. It’s an old saying that “The Way to a Man’s Heart is through his Stomach”. We also know that one of Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihiwasallam) wives used to cook food that he liked a lot and due to that Aishah radhiyAllahu anha would get jealous, because she didn’t know how to cook that.

9. Her Contentment with Rizq: No man likes to have a woman who is always complaining about how less her husband earns or how rich her other friends are. A good Muslimah is the one who thank Allah for what He has blessed her with and she is thankful to her husband for what he provides her with. Abu Hurairah RadhiyAllahu anh reported: The Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said, “Richness is not the abundance of wealth, rather it is self-sufficiency.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

10. Good Manners: A woman of good manners is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. When she speaks, she speaks honorably, why she deals with others she deals with them kindly. She is polite with elders, loving to children, and good to her fellow folks. It is related by ‘Abdullah bin Amr that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: “The best of you are those who possess the best of manners.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Reblogged from Islamic Thinking.